In this example, we see a slightly more elaborate design. As with proof of concept #1, we organize objects spatially along walls. This time the exhibition walls are more elaborate. Color based on number of walls Number of walls based on layout Width and shape of walls based on objects Random function to generate unpeaked…
Gallerbee Concept for Exhibition Design
StudioFG’s Gallerbee concept brings principles from computational design and parametric design to the art of exhibition design. Link data such as dimensions and content of works in an exhibition to design. All data is always up to date, with live iterations in the geometric design and production drawings.
Gallerbee stands for online collaboration: always a good total overview with an integral approach of the team of curators, designers, historians, builders, building management and others involved.
StudioFG already has some commitments to provide feedback for this study. Does it sound interesting and would you like to know more? Or do you want to contribute? Then contact StudioFG. Friso / StudioFG would love to hear from you!

A time-consuming part of many exhibitions is the hanging plan. This demonstration shows how object texts in multiple languages can be stored in the database. These texts can then be loaded into a design software and immediately implemented into the design. When the text in the table is updated, the text in the design file…
So far Excel has been used in the examples but in this demonstration we will see how to use the more comprehensive online database system Airtable. Airtable is currently used by the chief curators of the Barbican Centre in London for exchanging data and managing traveling exhibitions. I was shown this in an interview with…
The ability to analyze performance is an important quality of parametric design. Especially during discussions with curators, it became clear how much potential there is in the ability to analyze object data and design data in a parametric setup while using a central database. Several areas of analysis emerged. One can think of: Security: are…
In this proof of concept, we’ll explore an example where we let the computer do the work for us. A parametric algorithm in grasshopper can work as a design tool where the user interacts with sliders and data. But in this example, we will explore a proof of concept where we let the computer present…
In this concept we see how the same technology can be applied to help organize exhibitions within a more defined setting. Here we see how immediate feedback is generated based on the distribution of objects in an imaginary art exhibition. As in Proof of Concept #1, an online Excel document is connected via Grasshopper to…
This is an initial Proof of Concept for Gallerbee worked out using an exchange between an online Excel document that interacted with a 3D design via Grasshopper, Excel was chosen because it is easy to use for initial testing and is a frequently chosen program by exhibition organizations. The following data can be processed in…
The Creative Industries Fund NL has awarded Gallerbee a start-up grant!
In exhibition design and experience design, the subject is leading and the design is supporting. Based on this philosophy, a parametric approach is appropriate: namely, a strategy in which data from the objects determines what the design looks like by means of algorithms. This could be, for example, a graphical timeline generated automatically from the…